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Wednesday, 30 June 2010


12.5 inch by 12.5 inch painting , commission

8 out of 25

8 out of the 25 picture project enjoyed drawing this picture as it gave me a chance to draw birds in this case a sparrow

Friday, 25 June 2010

picture 3,4,5,

Here are the next few pictures for the 25 picture project (please note they are the wrong way round the top picture is picture 5 then 4 and the last one is 3)

Wednesday, 23 June 2010


Commission piece the client wanted the word bella in the image somewhere so i have done a ambigram (word says the same even when upside down) the picture also had to be just in black and white but still girly, which is where the flowers appeared media photoshop cs4- time 4 hours (and a extra hour figuring out the ambigram)

Monday, 21 June 2010

2 of 25

Dont worry guys i wont be uploading every picture out of the 25 mainly because many fo them our pretty boring , its only when they are all together they will form the final picture (which will be uploaded) anyway here is the 2nd image

Sunday, 20 June 2010

1 out of 25

Number one of a 25 picture project were every picture has to link in some way with the other a lot more pictures to follow (im sure i will grow very tired of this project very soon)

Friday, 18 June 2010


was my last lesson of the year (life drawing) so decided as its my last lesson to do some test pictures so here they are did not have as long on the paler image as i did on the orange/black one

Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Purple photograph

To celebrate my finishing the first year at uni here is a really bad photograph of my class , well most of them

if you have not guessed it yet i am 2nd in from the right with the chunky purple necklace ...and yes we did all have to wear purple on that day we are not that sad lol

First year at university over

yep you guys heard it my first year at university is over finished for the year. Finally free from the projects and apart from a summer project free for the summer.

So probably will be doing a lot of practice, sketches and concept work for the next few weeks. as well as working on my magpie children's story (more info of that to follow)

Monday, 14 June 2010

new blog

Hey guys as you have probably guessed this is a brand new blog and a first time 'blogging' for me so please be patient as i work it all out in the mean time you can check out my artwork by visiting my other sites (they are posted on the right)